Engineering How to Build a Sablier V1 Dapp This blog post was written by Nichanan Kesonpat. Sablier is a protocol for real-time finance. The protocol allows for continuous payments — where users essentially stream money to each other as opposed to paying in one lump sum transaction. This opens up many possibilities in payroll transactions, micro-consultation services, and other
Engineering Operating the Sablier V1 Protocol Manually Sablier is built on top of Ethereum, a blockchain that has been running uninterruptedly since its inception. This means that even if MetaMask, Wallet Connect or the Sablier Interface are malfunctioning, you are always able to interact with the Sablier protocol. This is a guide aimed at technical users familiar
Engineering Exploring the trustfulness of the Sablier V1 protocol Update Jan 29, 2021: We burned the admin keys. We don’t have any administrative rights anymore. This article should be consulted for historical purposes only. Introduction Sablier has two building blocks: 1. End-user products: and 2. Money streaming engine powered by Ethereum smart
Engineering Writing Accurate Time-Dependent Truffle Tests When you’re building a dapp for continuous salaries, writing accurate time-dependent tests is a necessity. I recently learned how to do it the hard way, bashing my head against the wall, so I wrote this article to spare you the hassle. I will further assume that: 1. Your testing