Sablier v1.0 is Live

TL;DR use our web interfaces at and
Today, we’re excited to launch Sablier v1, the protocol for real-time finance on Ethereum. This is a release for which we set a high bar for the user experience of our products and the security of our smart contracts.
Brief History
The app launched in June 2019 was cute, but had several shortcomings:
- No mobile version
- Only compatible with MetaMask, which had to be enabled before the UI could load
- Many bugs caused by keeping the payer and the recipient’s interface under the same domain
- There was a bit of math involved in deciding how much money to deposit
Finally, but most importantly, the web interface did a poor job at making money streaming easy to use. We rolled up our sleeves and redesigned everything.
The New Web Interfaces

Hosted at and, in order to make a distinction between the web interface for streaming money and the one for receiving the streamed money.
Overall features:
- Responsive design, working on mobile and desktop
- Accessible via MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet or any other wallet that accepts the WalletConnect protocol, such as Trust Wallet
- Support for DAI, SAI, USDC and Compound’s cDAI and cUSDC
- Streams are computed as a payment rate/ second, so you don’t have to do any math anymore — just write your desired deposit amount and the streaming duration
Payer’s Web Interface
A demo for how anyone in the world can start streaming money right away:
- Go to
- Sign in with your Ethereum wallet
- Select a token from the list
- Type an amount
- Type an ENS domain or Ethereum address
- Select a duration, e.g. 30 days
After the blockchain validates your transaction, you will be shown a payment link. Share this with the owner of the ENS domain/ Ethereum address from before.
Congratulations. You just on-boarded someone to real-time finance, probably for the first time in their life!
Recipient’s Web Interface
The receiving party doesn’t have to do much beyond using an Ethereum wallet. Here’s a demo for what they would be seeing the first time they open the app.
Note that the money is streamed to your Sablier wallet, not directly to your Ethereum address, which gets us to two borders that get filled in the white circle:
- The blue border = how much has been streamed from the beginning of the stream until now (1.47% in the demo)
- The orange border = how much money has been withdrawn to your Ethereum wallet from the Sablier contract (0% in the demo, which means no money had been withdrawn yet)
Having to submit a manual transaction to get the money to your Ethereum address is not terribly bad, but there’s room for improvement. We’re toying with a feature that automates these withdrawals for you. Stay tuned on Twitter!
A Different Kind of Payroll
These web interfaces combined make up a beautiful product for continuous, autonomous and trustless payroll. We’re dog-fooding it and using it to pay ourselves.
We believe in a future where:
- Paydays become a thing of the past by earning your salary in real-time
- The need for payday loans becomes greatly diminished
- You can verify you’re being paid and don’t have to trust your employer
- Organisations stop wasting billions of $ on accounting, invoicing and timestamping, where money streaming can do better
Sablier, the Protocol
Our smart contracts have been audited by Quantstamp and ConsenSys Diligence. Sablier depends on new technology that may contain undiscovered vulnerabilities; we encourage you to verify our contracts by yourself.
The protocol is accessible via our branded web interfaces, but no one stops you from rolling your own. If you’re a wallet developer, we’d love to help you build a plugin for Sablier.
Wrap Up
We couldn’t have built this without the huge support we received from MakerDAO, which awarded us a community grant in August 2019 to fund the development of Sablier v1. Thank you so much.
Similarly, we thank MetaCartel for their help with sourcing more user pilots. We joined the 1st cohort of their programme in November 2019.